4th of July Parade and Membership Drive

Program Area: Public Relations and Information (PR/I)
County Farm Bureau:  Antelope County Farm Bureau
Year: 2015
Phone: (402) 360-0112
Email: jasonk@nefb.org
Program Description:

Antelope County Farm Bureau participates in their annual 4th of July Parade every year by creating a float. This year they used the float to launch their membership drive for the 2015 Investment in the Future incentive. The membership drive was advertised on their float. The program consisted of Farm Bureau membership yard signs being placed in area yards. In order to have the sign removed from the year the occupants must agree to a FREE Antelope County Farm Bureau membership. In addition each new member was entered in a drawing to win 2 Montgomery Gentry tickets at their Antelope County Fair.

This was a membership drive Antelope County used to sign up members for the Investment in the Future incentive.
